Meat لحم

"Eating meat brings about strength in seventy different ways."

"Eating meat strengthens the sight".

"Eat meat, because it makes the skin's color lighter, the stomach firmer and the behavior better".

"Whoever refrains from eating meat for forty days will  acquire bad behavior".

There are different types of meat, & we shall describe them briefly and elaborate on their benefit or harm.

Sheep Meat (Mutton)

Mutton is warm in the second degree and wet in the first degree. The best type of mutton comes from the one-year old animal, which creates good blood for the human's body (if digested properly). This type of meat is suitable for those who have hot or cold temperaments and for those who practice sports activity in cold areas and cold weather. It is beneficial for those who suffer from black bile, and it strengthens the mind and memory. However, the mutton of old, thin animals is not good, as is the ewe's meat.

The best type of mutton is the dark meat of the male animal, for it is lighter, tastier and more beneficial. The mutton of castrated sheep is even better and more beneficial. The red meat of fat sheep is lighter and more nutritious, while the chest of the goat is less nutritious and floats in the stomach.

The best parts of mutton meat are the meat that covers the bones, the right side, which is lighter and tastier than the left side, and the front parts rather than the back parts. The best part of sheep's meat is the front part, which is closer to the head, but not the head itself. The front part is lighter and tastier.

The meat on the neck is tasty and easy to digest. The meat that covers the arm is the lightest meat, the tastiest, the healthiest and the easiest to digest. Furthermore, meat on the back of the sheep is nutritious and produces sanitary blood.

Goat Meat

It is cold and dry, and the mixtures that goat meat produces are harmful. Goat meat is not digested easily and is not significant nutrition-wise. The meat of billy goats is not beneficial, because it is rather dry, heavy on the stomach and produces black bile.

Al-Jahiz once said, "A skilled doctor once said to me, O Abu Uthman! Avoid goat meat because it causes depression, causes black bile, forgetfulness, and spoils the blood. By Allah, it drives children wild.”
Some doctors say that goat's meat that is not preferred is the meat of old goats, especially for old people. They say that goat meat is not bad for whoever is used to eating it.

When the doctors state that goat meat is not beneficial, they specifically mean those who have weak stomachs and those who are not used to eating it, such as the people who live in luxury in cities and who are used to softer types of foods. But this is not the majority.

The meat of young, but not very young goats is milder, especially when the goat is still nursing. This type of goat meat is digested faster, because it still possesses the strength of its mother’s milk. The meat of young goats is milder for most people and lighter than camel's meat. In addition, young goat's meat produces moderate blood.

Cow Meat

Cow Meat is cold and dry, heavy on the stomach and produces black, bilious blood that is only suitable for hard workers. Eating cow meat excessively (for those who are not used to it) can cause Vitiligo (a skin condition of unknown cause, characterized by patchy loss of pigment), mange, herpes, leprosy, elephantiasis, cancer, obsession, Quartran fever and various tumors. The harm that this meat causes will be neutralized when one eats it with spices, garlic, ginger and cinnamon. Meat of a male cow is colder than female cow's meat, which is less dry.

Meat of fat calves is one of the best, mildest and tastiest types of food. It is warm and wet, and if fully digested, it provides good nutrition.

Camel Meat

The difference between the Shiite and the Sunnis and between the Jews and Muslims is that the Muslims eat camel's meat. In addition, the Shiites and Jews neither praise nor eat camel meat. It is well established in the religion that Muslims are allowed to eat camel meat and that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) and his Companions used to eat it while traveling and otherwise.
Young camel meat is one of the tastiest and most nutritious types of foods, and those who are used to eating it find it as light and beneficial as sheep meat. Some doctors did not like eating camel meat for residents of the cities because they are not used to it. Camel meat is hot and dry, difficult to digest and begets black bile.

Rabbit Meat

Rabbit meat is mildly hot and dry, and the best.

Dried (Jerked) Meat

Dried meat is better than old meat and strengthens the body, although it causes skin rashes sometimes, a side effect that could be neutralized with cold, humid spices. Jerked meat is favorable for hot conditions. Old meat is hot and dry, favorable for hot conditions and the best type of this meat is that which is fat and wet. Finally, old meat constipates unless cooked in milk and grease.

Fowl meat

Some types of fowl meats are allowed and some are prohibited. The prohibited types include the birds that have claws, such as the falcon, hawk and peregrine, and those that eat carrion, such as the eagle, vulture, stork, and magpie, spotted and black crows. In addition, this list includes the birds that we are not allowed to kill, such as the hoopoe and the shrike, and some of the birds that we are allowed to kill, such as kite and crow.

There are many types of fowl that are allowed, such as the chicken meat. In the Sahihain, it is narrated by Abu Musa that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam ate chicken meat.

Chicken Meat

Chicken meat is hot and dry in the first degree and it is easy on the stomach and digests quickly. Chicken meat strengthens the mind and increases the production of semen. It also makes the voice softer, the mind stronger and produces healthy blood. It was said that eating chicken meat on a regular basis causes gout, but this is not confirmed by fact.

Cock Meat

Cock’s meat, on the other hand, is hotter and less wet. The meat of old cocks helps against constipation, asthma and thick flatulence when cooked with safflower, canella and Dill seeds (Shibit). The castrated cock meat is nutritious and easy to digest. Pullet meat is easy to digest and mild on the stomach and produces mild blood.

Bird and Lark Meat

Bird meat is hot and dry, constipates and stimulates semen production. Bird meat soup constipates and helps the joints. If one eats bird's brain with ginger and onion, it excites the sexual desire.

Pigeon Meat

Pigeon meat is hot and wet, although the meat of wild pigeons is less wet. The meat of pigeon chicks is more humid, especially the chicks of domesticated pigeons. Young pigeons are less meaty but a better food. The meat of male pigeons is a good cure for numbness, narcosis, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, convulsive shaking or trembles. Pigeon meat is favorable for the sexual drive and the kidneys and produces more blood.

Locust Meat

Locust meat is hot and dry and not very nutritious. In addition, eating locust meat regularly makes the body thin & emaciated. The smoke of burnt locust helps in cases of Dysuria (impaired ability to pass urine), especially for women, and is favorable for hemorrhoids. Eating fat wingless locust (roasted) is a good cure for scorpion stings. But locust meat is not favorable for those suffering from epilepsy and produces septic mixtures in the stomach.

There is a difference on allowing (eating) locust when it is dead, where the majority of the scholars except Imam Malik allow it. Yet, there is no difference that it is allowed if the locust died because of a reason, such as being burnt or pressed. It is not good for regular basis because it creates illnesses of various types.

Eating meat on regular basis causes bloody sanguineous of allergies. Hippocrates once said, "Do not make your stomachs as a graveyard for animals".

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