Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Osteoarthritis and Hypertension; A Wonderful Cure For These Modern Diseases
General information There are advantages and benefits in figs and olives that indicate…
What is Hirsutism? Human body is covered with lot of hairs. They are spread a…
Hairs turn white in black-haired individuals and gray in brown-haired individuals. I…
Shedding of scalp hair is called, " ALOPECIA". There are two types of al…
WHAT IS SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS? It is one of the chronic untreatable diseases in …
Every disease which produces scales in the scalp is called "Dandruff". Mo…
There are 300,000 hair on the scalp of a normal human being. The hair increase 1 cm …
General information There are advantages and benefits in figs and olives that indicate…
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