Olibanum (Balsamodendron mukul)كندر

Olibanum is antiseptic when applied on the skin wounds and ulcers. It is effective in leprosy lesions. It also increases blood circulation of skin. It is astringent too.
It is useful in leprosy, osteoarthritis, syphillis and urinary disorders.

Its fumigation is effective in old cough, pulmonary T.B., tonsillitis and piles. It kills insects in the room. It boosts immunity if eaten. It increases W.B.C.'s.

It is excreted from sweat, urine and other body fluids. It kills pathogens in these sites. It is diuretic and dissolves stones in kidney. As it is harmless so can be eaten for a longer period of time.

Its gargles heal the gingivae and throat inflammation.

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