Non-Surgical Cure of Piles/Hemorrhoids

Piles or hemorrhoids is a chronic, incurable and debilitating disease. It makes our life miserable. It relapses even after surgery. Sometimes, we end up with fecal incontinence.

Its only cure is to cure the constipation and correct nyour dietary habits. The hemorrhoids will go away if your eat natural foods, they will disappear more quickly if you add some wonderful herbs and foods.

It am going into the details of this disease, it is written everywhere in the literature. The real thing that we human need is the cure of the many illnesses like this. I am suggesting you a remedy which is all natural and cheap. It has no bad or side effect, there ate only benefits in it. Not only it will help and cure the piles but also improve overall health and other chronic conditions.

1. Take 7 dry fig fruits on an empty stomach.

2. Take one tablespoon of Olive oil in the night before bed.

3. Make this lotion to be applied on piles:

Take 50 grams of henna powder and mix it in 250 ml of Olive oil. Boil this mixture for 5 minutes. Keep it in wide-mouthed bottle. Apply this lotion on the piles in the night and morning. So will see that piles are reducing after a week of starting this remedy. Use the remedy till you are completely cured and in the future don't use refined, processed and factory made food if you want to live in the future and want to enjoy and healthy and longer life.

Now it is up to to you, whether you cure yourself and get rid of this disgusting disease or want to live with it. Whether you choose this simple, cheap and natural treatment or you want to indulge in modern failed and expensive method. Now the choice is yours. 

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