Treatment of Acne Vulgaris
If you are tired of acne treatment and you have tried almost every treatment. It is a good chance for you to glow up your face by natural herbal methods. The herbs are wonderful and effective for acne management. I will elaborate few steps below for the treatment of Acne Vulgaris.
1. Face Washing: Washing your face 3-4 times a day is enough to wash off the bacteria of the face.
2. Good Breakfast: Barley porridge made in milk and sweetened with honey is an excellent breakast to start a day. Add 7 dates with this breakfast. It will provide strength to the body, improve liver functions, increase blood hemoglobin and relieve constipation. So many of the causes of the acne will be treated.
3. Herbal lotion:
a. Black seeds 10 grams
b. Henna leaves 10 grams
c. Senna leaves 10 grams
d. Watercress seeds 10 grams
e. Thyme leaves 10 grams
f. Fruit Vinegar 900 grams
Boil all these herbs in 900 grams of natural fruit vinegar for 5 minutes and then strain this mixture. Apply this lotion on the scalp and face. It will also cure the dandruff.
4. Take Costus Root Powder: If the pimples are not disappearing easily then take 4 grams of costus powder with water in the morning and in the evening.
5. Honey Water: Take one tablespoon of honey in boiled water glass in the evening on an empty stomach.