Bronchial Asthma

Natural Herbal Cure of Asthma
Natural Herbal Cure of Asthma

Natural Herbal Cure of Asthma

Natural cure of Asthma 

Use this regimen until you have no further attacks of the disease.

1. One tablespoon of honey in boiled water 250 ml. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and then evening.

2. Three fruits of dry figs after meals two times daily. They liquefy the mucous and expectorate it easily.

3. Take these three herbs in the mentioned amounts

I.   Costus root 85 grams
II.  Watercress seeds 15 grams
III. Chicory seeds 5 grams

Mix all three herbs and grind them well, take one teaspoon of this powder in the morning and one in the evening.

4. One tablespoon of olive oil at bed time daily.

So these were the herbs which you will have to use during the course of this treatment. Continue it until you are fully recovered. There is no treatment of asthma other then mentioned above. If you want to be disease free then there is no choice leg for you. Use these remedies and e cured. Believe me that this natural cure will heal you like you had no disease.

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