Diabetes/High Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a disease in which body is unable to use carbohydrates for its survival. Body can't live without carbohydrates. Body has to use the carbohydrates for its energy. There is no other way for the body to survive. It has to live on glucose which is obtained by digesting carbohydrates.

When have made the body unable to use glucose by eating refined foods. These foods increase the sugar level rapidly burning beta cells in the Islet of Langerhans in Pancreas.

So the best way to treat the diabetes is to revert back to the original foods. Say no to refined and processed foods. This is the ultimate way to find the treatment.

Here I tell to some herbs and foods besides natural foods you will use this recipe:

1.Honey in Water 

 15 ml honey in 250 ml hot water before breakfast and before lunch on an empty stomach. Sip slowly like a tea or drink normally when it is not hot. Please don't listen to the myths that honey is sweet and it is prohibited in diabetes. Honey contains more fructose than glucose almost four times fructose than glucose. So there is no issue with increased glucose level after taking honey. Honey is nature's wonder and treatment for all diseases.

2. 3 Dry figs after each meal.

3. Make a powder of these herbs

I. Black seeds 55 grams
II. Chicory leaves 15 grams
III. Fenugreek seeds 10 grams
IV. Marine costus root 10 grams
V. Water Cress seeds 10 grams

Mix and grind all these herbs and use one teaspoon of this powder two times daily.

It is the best treatment of diabetes, you will be astonished by its results. The blood sugar will come down to normal in a month. Don't waste your time use this cheap, wonderful and natural remedy.

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