A Complete Food For Healthy Life | Whole Milk
Milk is called dudh in Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi, laban in Arabic, sheer in Persian, milk in English and lactus in Latin. We mostly use cow, buffalo, sheep, goat milk etc. or dry or liquid milk packed in tins. In its natural state, it is in a liquid state, but the development of technology has changed it in the form of dry milk, i.e. powdered milk, to preserve it for a longer period of time. But the nutrients and benefits obtained from natural milk cannot be obtained from dry milk prepared by machines. Milk is also water which quenches thirst and food which also quenches hunger. The first food of a human after birth is milk. Because for the baby, milk is such a combination of nutrients that meets all the nutritional needs of the baby. And it is the best food for the baby's development and upbringing. And not only for children, but also for adults and especially the elderly, milk is useful, excellent and complete food. Since ancient times, milk has been considered as a complete food and now medical science also considers milk as a complete food and considers it very useful for health because milk produces blood and also it boosts immunity. It is a subtle and easily digestible food and provides the human body with especially large amounts of calcium, vitamin D, protein, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vitamins, B12 and zinc, which are essential for physical strength.
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Drink Milk Daily |
Actually, our body is made up of many things or components like cells, flesh, blood, nerves, muscles, membranes, bones, glands, fat, nerves, nails, hair, organs, etc. and all of them develop, repair, function. And to keep them healthy and fit they need different or separate nutrition and food items, like vitamins, salts, water, fats and carbohydrates etc. And we get all this from different foods. To get all these nutrients we use different food items in our diet because in each diet different vitamins, fats, iron, calcium, zinc and carbohydrates etc. are present and for this we use fruits, vegetables, meat, fruits, herbs etc. in our diet. For example, like carbohydrates and fats are needed for body heat and energy, so carbohydrates that we get from various edible items, sweet and starchy foods, sweet potatoes, jaggery, sweet fruits etc. The main source of obtaining fat is; animal meat, milk, butter, vegetable products, olives, soybeans, corn and various edible oils and fruits, etc. Likewise Calcium is required for bone growth and health and for this we need calcium-rich foods. In the same way, the main sources of getting nutrients are meat, eggs, pulses and vegetables etc. Therefore, we fulfill the need of nutrients from different foods.
Milk Composition
But only a milk is a complete food that contains all these nutrients. Which also provides us with starch i.e. carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, calcium, vitamin D, protein, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and water etc. so milk is a complete food. Medical science also considers milk as a complete food because research has proved that it contains all the nutrients that fulfill all the nutritional needs and deficiencies of the human body and make it active and healthy. Milk is not only a complete food (milk benefits) but also a cure for many diseases.
Milk from different animals varies slightly in taste and aroma
Milk from different animals varies slightly in taste and aroma, and in general, the nutritional benefits and effects of milk from most animals are similar with minor differences.
For example, camel milk contains a lot of insulin. Therefore, it is very useful for diabetic patients. Goat milk is also a cure for asthma and tuberculosis. Cow's milk contains abundant amounts of calcium, which is excellent for bones and mental strength and is heart-healthy. Cow's milk is low in salt and high in fat, it is also high in vitamins A and D. Sheep's milk contains twice as much fat as cow's milk, but this fat is beneficial for human health. Buffalo milk is fattening for the body, it contains high amount of vitamin D and is beneficial for hemorrhoids.
Milk is very important for the growth of human body. This not only increases immunity but also increases endurance. It provides energy (physical strength) to the human body as well as makes the body fat, so milk is also a tonic for the body and it removes the weakness of the nerves and it also strengthens the mind. It also relieves constipation and relieves physical fatigue and insomnia and prevents or slows down the aging process. The abundant amount of calcium in milk is useful for strengthening bones, joints and muscles. It is also beneficial for the strength of teeth and the health of eyes, skin and hair, and is also useful for the digestive system so milk is also a cure for many diseases and is also a complete food.
Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August)
Exclusive Breast Milk Is Necessary For Babies Upto 6 months Age
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Exclusive Breast Feeding For 6 months |
Children who drink mother's milk are protected from various diseases. They also have high immunity and are healthy.
In the first week of August, the United Nations celebrates Breastfeeding Week to raise public awareness of how important breast milk is to a newborn baby.
They are protected from diseases. They also have high immunity and they stay healthy.
After the birth of the baby, the first milk should be given to the baby within half an hour. Initially, the yellowish milk that comes out is called colostrum. It should not be wasted. It is rich in nutrients. For a few months, only milk is enough for the baby, but after six months, this routine changes and the baby is started on a light diet with milk.
All mothers should try to breastfeed their babies. Babies who drink bottle milk often suffer from indigestion and diarrhoea. Because despite all precautions, water bottles and feeders cause germs to enter the baby's stomach and make them sick. Compared to this, children who drink mother's milk are less prone to infection. The possibility of breast cancer in a breastfeeding woman is also less. The baby gets all its nutrition from the mother, so the mother should maintain a good diet. A healthy mother can only have a healthy child.
It is best to breastfeed a child for two years, the child will be healthy and will be protected from many diseases
According to the World Health Organization, a child must be breastfed for six months. However, bottle feeding is more common in poor countries and breast feeding is less. Women put feeders on babies. Neither women are given awareness about its usefulness nor are they given such an environment to breastfeed the baby. Most of the women are working professionals and they are not given any such facility. So that they can keep their babies with them during work. For this reason, mothers start their babies with formula milk and food.
If we want to establish a society based on healthy mothers and healthy children, we have to talk about making this natural system common. Babies will be healthy if they drink their mother's milk. Talk about this and provide nurseries at the workplace for women to breastfeed and take care of their babies effectively. Mother's milk is a gift from God to the newborn and it also protects women from cancer. In the era of scarcity, not everyone can afford Formula Milk. New mothers should be informed about breast milk and told to give only this to their baby to keep themselves and the baby healthy.