Kidney Stones/ Nephrolithiasis

Kidney stones

Kidney stones

Natural Herbal Cure of kidney stones
Kidney stones

Treating Kidney Stones with Herbs; Expel Your Kidney Stones Using Powerful Natural Herbs

It is so strange to know that Kidney stones are mostly found in men, while women suffer more with Gall stones.

Low fluid intake, excess of animal proteins, excess of salt, refined sugars & carbohydrates, soda drinks, foods high in Oxalates, etc. are the major causes of kidney stone formation. Furthermore, those who take Calcium pills have a high risk of developing kidney stones.

Expelling out the stones is so easy & simple.

First of all, stop all cooked foods. Only Barley bread is valid, taken with vegetable curries cooked in the blessed Olive Oil.

Take Henna Water at an empty stomach, & wait for 2 hours for the breakfast.

Breakfast should be Watermelon only.

FIGS cleanse the sand / gravel of kidneys & bladder, so take them frequently. When black seed is ground, blended with honey and drunk with some warm water, it will dissolve the stones that appear in the kidney and the prostate, and it is also a diuretic".

Wet celery leaves help the stomach and the cold liver, causes urine flow (it is a diuretic), menstrual flow, and dissolves stones. Celery seeds are more effective in this regard.

Karafs stimulates semen production and relieves offensive breath.

Henna is a powerful healer for pimples & skin disorders, and Henna Water is perfect as a Diuretic & it breaks & reduces the size of kidney stones (thus expelling them out as gravel). Henna Water is favorable for Jaundice, reduces headache & prevents abortion of women who suffer with Uterine weakness.

Based on all of above, the following blend has helped many patients who passed out the stones naturally.
Take the following herbs mix and grind them well.

Herb                              Weight (grams)

Black seed ~ Nigella sativa         100

Dried Henna leaves~Lawsonia inermis   200

Celery seeds~Apium graveolens        50

Gokhru~Tribulus Terrestris                200

Dosage : A tablespoon at an empty stomach (with Henna Water), and wait for 2 hours for the breakfast (that should be watermelon only), and take a tablespoon after dinner. And the patient will never need the Surgery. Use the above mentioned herbs for three to four months and get yourself cured. These are all natural having no side effects at all.

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