1. Always eat on time.
2. Do not go to bed immediately after eating supper, but have some walk and then go to bed.
3.Eat watermelon on empty stomach it will clean your intestines. You can also use melons.
4. Barley porridge cooked in milk and sweetened with honey also cleanses intestinal tract if used in breakfast.
5.Always eat fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables.
6. Always eat bran flour because bran is a treatment for constipation and heart disease.
7. Eat dry figs after each meal atleast 3 figs you must eat. Because figs are a cure for constipation as well as piles.
8. Use olive oil if constipation still persists. Use 30 to 50 ml of olive oil once or twice daily. Olive oil is a wonderful remedy for constipation.
9. You can also use senna leaves, dry leaves powder is best. Take a half teaspoon of these daily. Senna is very potent in relieving constipation. Make a habit of using half teaspoon of senna leaves powder every week or two weeks. You will get rid of constipation and piles if you follow the above mentioned treatment.